To the Festival of Trees:
The photo below is a few years old now. I took it after a few days in the mountains alone and standing a bit above a clear large mountain river this tree across it clinging to life came into my view. And in that moment became a brother from where I was at in my own life at that same time..
"Observation on the River"
Your flawed elegance astounds me
Ramrod straight
As if proudly displaying your wounds
Scarred by time
battered by countless storms
Your soul precariously exposed
Eroded by what also sustain and nourishes
Yet possessing a Strength
I cannot fathom
Holding onto each moment
Until you are finally claimed to join
The Dance of the Endless Flow
It is Me
-Robb Kloss, written outside Ngamoko hut in the Ruahine range, Aotearoa ( New Zealand)