To John Key, Gerry (Lard Ass) Brownlee, all our current National rationalists, right wing talk back radio hosts and disconnected listeners, and each and every government, corporate technocratic organization in the world, and anyone in favour of invading Wild Places still there. Your fate awaits! Piss off the lot of you!
1 day ago
Love it. :)
Oh god, Robb, I am laughing my ass off...out loud. I just love you!! You are so dang ALIVE. I am cheering you on my dear brother. If I were there I'd give you a big ol' hug. So consider yourself hugged. This makes my day!! Oh you are truly a rare and wonderful soul.
RAVE ON Wild Brother!! I Rave with you!! Aroha...always. Rob
Ha! I always wondered what a sign from God would look like. That seems about right.
Incredible! Where did you ever find such a bird?
The "religionists" who value their particular stories more than our world and all the peoples and animals in it, will no doubt find a parable to explain that finger in the sky. But you and I know what it means!
Thanks for the laugh.
We walked for hours in the tangled vine-draped woods today, and I thought of you and Robin.
Keep on laughing, Robb!
I'd give them two fingers if I had a chance. Great photo Robb and appropriate words. I have just read your last two postings now I am back in Jakarta. I didn't realise how bad your hip was. Take strength from my ortho surgeon Ed newman who did my knees and I saw two weeks back. He said, " hips are much easier to fix than knees."
So get off your ass Robb, and get new hips and enjoy life like I am with my new knees.
Governments come and go and we must continue to voice our views, protest, flood them with emails, letters , petitions, twitters, facebook notes. But mark my words Robb, John and the boys will go down hard, like all those Governments who tried to ruin our country's pristine environment.
I was in a group of young teenage trampers from Dunedin who led a Freedom march on the Milford track in 1965, and we got the Govt of the day to overturn legislation giving the Tourist Hotel Corp monopoly on the Milford track, so that the ordiunary Kiwi could walk his own track free of charge.
Then we all got behind mountaineer Paul Powell's Save the Clutha campaign which had long term effects of hydro electric generation sites. Keep at it Robb and team and I join you in saying
to anyone in favour of invading Wild Places still there. "Your fate awaits! Piss off the lot of you! "
Good on yer mate.
No wonder New Zealanders are known for being crass and ignorant. Is this your way of having a reasoned debate about political issues?
Kia ora Tracey,
Great photo and thanks. Glad I can put to it use.
Kia ora Wild Sister,
This made me laugh heartily as well, and I had to put it to good use immediately. Thanks for the hug! Kia kaha!
Kia ora Dave,
My thoughts exactly. From what I am reading governments and business interests all over the world are using the "economic" crisis they created in the first place to attack the last bits of wilderness to get the real "wealth". Scary times indeed.
Kia ora Lynda,
Thank you for thinking of me while out in Nature. There has to be benefits in that.
I will never understand why humankind has seperated itself from the rest of the earth under the guise of being ordained and blessed by God. We have proved that wrong again and again in our treatment of each other and the earth.
Glad you enjoyed.
Michael W. (France),
I wasn't aware that Kiwis had a reputation as being crass and ignorant, but coming from France I should probably consider it a compliment. I mean being as the only act of terrorism ever carried out in New Zealand was by the French! Because you didn't like people protesting about your country blowing off nuclear bombs thousands of kilometres away from the safety of your own land. So having a reasoned debate about the environment and politics would seem a bit of a stretch. And if you read here at all, as in my prior post, I do not give a shit about "reasoned" debate when it comes to attacking the earths remaining wilderness. As I wrote there is no possible way to justify attacking the last remaining 13% of our protected conservation estate because the rich want to make money. No new business model environmental approach, no new buzz terminology like "surgical extraction of minerals" and "efficiencies of the conservation estate", no green sounding named mining companies with pictures of the rivers and mountains on their websites will convince me of going into these places and altering them and destroying them. Hands off! If that is too crass and ignorant for you, well go read elsewhere.
@Michael W -- what am I ignorant about? (Please enlighten me, I'm curious.)
Kia ora Bob,
Your experience with the knees is one of the motivators I keep at the forefront of my mind. It has admittedly been a bit depressing walking, or trying to, in increasing pain and discomfort. And no doubt my growing grumpiness at comments like above from France.
I try to visualize myself once again amongst the Ruahine. My goal is for July on my 50th birthday, accompanied by my beautiful wife.
Thanks for the encouragement Bob, this is going to be a long tough battle. As I have written before there is no room for compromise on attacking these wild treasures of Aotearoa, or anywhere in the world. As Tara so sagely pointed out to me this morning, after all the distruction that colonialism and industrialism, and capitalism have inflicted upon the non white nations of the world, it is now our turn to destroy ourselves. Or certainly any last connections to nature. Kia kaha my friend.
Kia ora Mike,
Good question, I couldn't quite figure that one out myself.
...okay, that's the kinda stuff we need around these parts...
"Amen," he (troutbirder) says speaking for the other than religious righteous. Plainly even the clouds are on our side. :)
SO funny. I love it! :)
Great that you could capture this.
Now that is funny! If that is not a photoshop picture it might the greatest single environmentally statement of all time.
I love it!
Kia ora LC,
I thought you guys would enjoy this. Kia kaha.
Kia ora TB,
Seems to me that hand would extend to the Boundary Waters as well.
Kia ora Ophelia,
I cannot claim credit for the photo, I got it from Tracey above, but I felt instant connection, and much needed humour and laughter. Charlie absolutely pissed himself. Oh the laughter of children! Rave on my sister.
Kia ora LPH,
Honestly do not know, or really care, if it is photo shopped. In the moment I saw it I knew I had to use it. If we were in the mountains in the morning and had a heavy day to travel ahead, poked our heads outside a hut, or tent, and saw THAT, I would immediately say time for a day off, and stay right where I was. Kia kaha brother.
Quite a photo! I love it...
Good on ya. What an amazing photo Absolutely great Hope all is well with you and yours.
Kia ora KB,
Yeah, speaks volumes doesn't it? At least to those whom know what our wilderness really means. Kia kaha.
Kia ora Marja,
Right back at ya my friend. All seems to be well here, or as well as can be. Good to read from you Marja, thanks for popping in. Kia kaha.
Hi Robb,
Just heard on National radio news about the government giving serious thought to tearing up great Barrier Island, the Corommandel and elsewhere for mining, and the PM saying they might not do it if it would harm NZ's reputation abroad. Also, he talked about surgical mining - an oxymoron if ever I heard one.
HI Robb.
Catching up and reading your wonderful posts. Loved the naked in eden photo dedicated to Robin in the previous one.
Love the photo on this post too.
I do agree, we have to stop dishonoring the earth. It is giving us so much, who are we to greedily take from it. The ignorance about how we deal with this is just too much to bear sometimes. I agree.
We have no idea what we are destroying, when are we going to stop.
You go for it Robb, I am with you all the way.
Hugs Wilma and what a shame about your hip. I hold the belief and vision of a healed hip, miracles are possible in nature, you know.
Kia ora Nigel,
Parakawai is a place I have been to and is one the most beautiful water ways I have ever laid my eyes upon. To think of destroying for gold is simply criminal. Surgical extraction does not exist. There is no such thing, yet Key refers to it daily and it becomes acceptable jargon. Pitiful.
We must make our voices heard. Kia kaha.
Kia ora Wilma,
Thank you for your thoughts and support. I am getting ready for surgery on the 8th of April and have been consumed by work before then, and also by this governments attacks upon the wilderness. We all need to be very very concerned.
I am looking forward to this surgery, get the problem fixed, and get back out there into the mountains. Just the visualization of that makes me feel hope. Kia kaha.
Laughter is the best medicine. Robb.
I'm sending you good cheer along with light and energy for your upcoming surgery. It will go well.
I wish surgery would help with my lower back and hip, but I just have to deal with the internal rubbing of my Harrington rod. Reiki helps with the pain as does the apple cider vinegar. Visualization through photos of the wilderness tends to ease my discomfort as I'm certain it does the same for you.
Thanks for the laugh, Robb. We wilderness fighters need it.
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